First, ask yourself……

What would make me happiest in life?

Take a moment to ask yourself and really think about the answer. Do you want more confidence, self-worth, or self-respect? Do you want to be less stressed or anxious? Do you want to finally finish the book or project you started years ago? Would you be healthier if you were more fit? Do you get triggered by things you wish didn’t hold power over you?

All these things and more are possible. The secret is getting your sub-conscious and conscious mind into alignment to work towards having your best life possible.

It isn’t magic and you have to want to make the change, but hypnosis can help make this a reality.

When you decide that it’s time to change your subconscious reaction, you can have full alignment with your desire for a life of happiness and fulfillment. I can help guide you to that best version of yourself with hypnosis. I’m here for you.

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis gives us a direct path to the subconscious mind and allows for your specific wants and desires to be relayed for quick, effective change at the source of what’s holding you back. Limiting beliefs come from the subconscious mind, a place that doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong, good, or bad. Just knowns. These knowns are often set from someone else’s messaging, set in the past at a time that no longer reflects your reality. When we align the conscious mind, the part of you that knows who you are now, that knows what you need and want now, with that other part, amazing transformation can happen.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we enter every day. It happens when we begin to fall asleep and when we’re just sort of “zoning out”. This is the time when you’re most suggestible. When we harness the ability to access the subconscious and to take advantage of that suggestibility, we can begin to change the way our minds react to limiting beliefs.

Similar to guided meditation, hypnosis allows your mind to quiet, your thoughts to subside and your body to let go. Your conscious mind relaxes, and your subconscious mind becomes open to positive suggestion.

Throughout the entire session you, the client, are in control. Starting with the cognitive portion of the session, you are free to share what you wish. Of course, the more information you share the better I can tailor each session to your specific needs. In hypnosis, I’ll lead you through different breathing exercises, therapeutic imagery and provide suggestions using your own wording and metaphors that apply to the topic we’re working on. If for any reason at all you want the hypnosis to end, just open your eyes, count to 5 and say your name out loud. You are always in control.